If you decide to delete your VideoAsk account, you'll lose all the data stored in it. Account deletion is permanent and we're unable to offer a backup solution.
⚠️ Important: Deleted accounts, videoasks, and responses cannot be recovered. Please be sure you really don't need any of the data in your account before deleting it. 🙏
If you want to go ahead and delete your account, here's how:
Click the Account & Org settings icon in the bottom left corner of your VideoAsk account:
Select My Account:
Scroll down and if you're sure you want all data and videoasks to be removed from our system permanently, click Delete my account:
Read the warning message, type in your name to confirm, then click I'm ready to delete everything:
And that's it, all your data has been removed from our system and your account has been permanently deleted. We hope to see you again soon. 🤗